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Law Enforcement Program

Mark Lourenco-President

Mark has a degree in Criminal Justice and is currently working as a Lieutenant at the Downtown Area Command with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. He has been employed by LVMPD since 1997. Mark is a deacon in his local church and is married with eight beautiful children.

Frank Humel-Vice-president Frank has a Master's degree in Education and is currently working as a Sergeant at the Downtown Area Command with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. He has been employed by LVMPD since 2008. Frank serves in his local church and is married with four beautiful children.

The Christian Hope Project was founded by police officers for police officers. Officers are 2-3 times more prone to alcoholism, to depression, and suicide when compared with the general population. Police officers are exposed to situations on a daily basis that other people may never see in their lifetime. Officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the citizens at a cost. Very often the stresses of the job, coupled with the normal stresses of family life seem like it is just too much to take. It seems like there is no hope. However there is always Hope in Christ. He is the Rock on which we stand. He is our help. It is our prayer that no officer will ever feel there is no hope. With God all things are possible. This charity was started for this exact purpose; to bring people the Hope in Christ. We care for the men and women who protect us. Our law enforcement program is designed to minister to Christian law enforcement personnel and prepare them to accomplish the Great Commission through teaching, outreach, partnership, and fellowship; while making a positive impact on their community.




Officer Seminar

Teaching cops to handle stress and other on the job issues.



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